Nessa altura, já estavamos a chegar a Bird Island (a ilha onde se encontra uma base científica da British Antarctic Survey e onde estive a fazer os meus primeiros estudos em 1999 e 2000) para ir buscar 3 cientistas.

Agora estamos ao largo da Geórgia do Sul, a obter mais umas amostras….
Simplesmente estou com um sorriso daqueles de felicidade a pensar “que excelente fim de semana!”
Aqui temos Stomness Bay as 4.30 da manha ao nascer do Sol...
(This weekend was tremendously exciting...big smile on my face! My group finished all the research planned, after we worked hard for long hours. So, we had a small glass of champagne at 6 in the morning with a beautiful sunrise. Despite being very tired I stayed up to see Bird Island Research Station of the British Antarctic Survey. Been there in 1999 and 2000 and it was so good to see it again. Lots of good memories came to mind. Very special palce, Bird Island! We picked up 3 scientists there before heading to Stomness Bay to do calibration of the acoustics devices. This Bay contains a whaling station built in 1907, and was operational until 1961. It was here that Sir Ernest Shackleton arrived after two years of travelling to the Antarctic on his Tras-Antarctic Expedition. Shackleton arrived here after weeks of sailing on a small 5 metre boat James Caird from Elephant Island (Antarctic Peninsula, 800 mi away) and 36 hours of walking in the mountains (he arrived on the other side of South Georgia)... explorers true story!!!! Now we are just offshore South Georgia to obtain a few more samples...big smile!!!!)
4 comentários:
É verdadeiramente incansável no trabalho que desenvolve com tanta paixão.
Até ao regresso
I just happen to stumble across your site... what an amazing experience you are having... the photos are gorgeous... take care
Hi there
Happy to get your comments!
We have an American with us too, Daria Hinz, who is doing Iron experiments (check out the previous days) in the Southern Ocean. Exciting stuff...
Happy you liked the photos!
SE estivesse por essas paragens não pararia de tirar fotos. Seriam momentos mágicos para guardar e mais tarde recordar. Tudo de bom para o final que se aproxima. Helena
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